Personal Characters

All Batik motifs containing the meanings about characters, motivation, and self-development, 

iWareBatik featured as App of the Day!

On August 17, 2024, on the occasion of the Indonesian Declaration of Independence National Day, iWareBatik App has been featured as App of the Day on the Indonesian AppStore:      

Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories

Gravari-Barbas, M., & Sabatini, N. (Eds.). (2023). Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories. Emerald Publishing Limited. Leeds, pp. 1-392.

Digital technologies for communicating fashion heritage

Ayu Permatasari, P., & Kalbaska, N. (2022). "Chapter 5: Digital technologies for communicating fashion heritage". In Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved Jul 4, 2024,...