Home / Batik Regions – Western Indonesia – Southern Sumatra – Bengkulu / Batik Villages in Bengkulu
Batik Villages in Bengkulu
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Brief Story:
If one wants to discover a new developing batik center in Sumatra, then Bengkulu city is the answer. More than 150 people inhabiting a Griya Betungan Asri resident complex devote themselves as professional batik producers. They collectively produce many kinds of Batik products, ranging from the cushion covers, dresses, shawls, decorative objects, all made of batik hand-drawn textiles. The most distinctive batik motif from Bengkulu is the Besurek batik motif. Besurek batik illustrates the Arabic scripture contain sacred prayers decorated with the Raflessia Arnoldi flower motif, as the symbol of the iconic world’s rarest endemic plant that grows in the region. This batik motif cannot be found in any other areas.
Address: Jalan Soekarno Hatta No. 50, RT. 1/1, Kelurahan Anggut Atas, Kecamatan Ratu Samban, Bengkulu
Photo: Atieq Batik