Home / Batik Regions – Western Indonesia – Java Island – Jakarta / Batik Villages in Jakarta
Batik Village in Jakarta
support the local workshop
Brief Story:
Behind the hustle and bustle of activities in the capital city, there is a batik village that attracts attention. Yes! Palbatu batik village is the centre of Batik craftsmen in Jakarta. They produce typical Batik motifs such as betawi mask motifs, fireworks motifs and rambutan sparrow motifs. In addition to batik producers, this batik village also has Batik training workshop. When you visit this village, the walls of the houses are all decorated with batik. Not only that, even the flower pots, two-wheeled bicycles, and also motorized vehicles are also not free from batik painting. Interested in visiting this cute place? let’s go to Palbatu Batik Village.
Photo: GoodnewsfromIndonesia