Home / Batik Regions – Western Indonesia – Northern Sumatra – Riau / Batik Villages in Riau
Batik Village in Riau
support the local workshop
Brief Story:
Riau’s batik motifs mostly represent plant motifs. Some examples are Kiambang flowers, Kesumba flowers, and water guava flowers. What is interesting about this Riau batik is its philosophical patterns that follow vertical and diagonal lines, but not horizontally drawn. In coloring batik, Riau is also more likely to use bright colors, such as blue, red and yellow. Are you interested? Please come to Riau Rani Tabir Batik Gallery!
Address: Jl. Hang Tuah, Suka Mulya, Kec. Sail, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28156, Indonesia
Photo: Liputan6