Home / Batik Regions – Western Indonesia – Southern Sumatra – Lampung
Facts of the region
Discover Batik in Lampung
The fusion of Tapis woven textile and Batik in Lampung (photo: Pesona Indonesia)

The Siger Batik in Lampung (photo: @Dimas prasetyo)

Siger Crown, the symbol of noblewomen as the Batik motif inspiration in Lampung (photo: @eviindrawanto)
The Artistic Art of the Crown
The Batik motifs in Lampung are influenced by the acculturation of Buddhist and Islamic cultures, for example, the Hayat Motif which is also known as the Tree of Life. The tree of life motif has a deep philosophical meaning for Lampung community. The tree of life signifies the Tree of Heaven, eternal strength, masculinity, and the symbol of life. This motif is usually worn as the ornament of the sarong for women.
Socio-cultural aspects of Lampung Batik
According to a Sumatra historian, RM Ali Hanafiah, the Batik tradition was originally brought by the Javanese people who settled in Lampung. Local producers maintain the production of Batik textiles, along with the Tapis woven fabric, which is the typical fabric that developed in Lampung.
Other than the Tree of Life motif, one of the most famous Batik motifs in Lampung is the Siger Crown. The Siger Crown is the symbol of noblewomen in Lampung during ancient times. The crown motif also embodies the Tree of Life motif and represents the strength, gentleness, and beauty of a woman as an important figure in the family.
Batik Motifs in Lampung
Batik Villages in Lampung
local batik workshop
Batik villages are the region where the Batik producers mostly reside. You could buy the Batik textiles from the artisans and participate in the making process of Batik on the site.
Visual Journey
in 1 Minute
Batik production in lampung
A Piece of Wild Paradise
The Gigi Hiu Beach in Lampung (photo: Joe wongkar)
About Lampung
Lampung Province has a fairly long coastline and a series of mountains called the Bukit Barisan. The Bukit Barisan is a series of volcanic mountains that stretch along the island of Sumatra from the northern tip of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam to the southern tip of Lampung Province. Given the multiethnicity of the region, Lampung Province has the slogan of “Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai”, which means one earth inhabited by two tribes, namely Pepadun ethnic and Sai Batin ethnic group.

Facts about Lampung
Lampung is located at the southernmost tip of the island of Sumatra and bordered with Sunda Strait in the west and the Java Sea in the east. It has an area of 35.376.50 km2, with a total population of 8.289 million people. The major population is Muslim (95%), Christians (2,2%), Hindus (1,5%), and Buddhists (0,72%).
The most iconic landscape in Lampung is the Gigi Hiu Beach and the Kiluan Ba, which is the natural habitat of dolphins (Photo: @utiketKiluan).

Highlights on Culture
The region has an annual event called Krakatau Festival. Since 1990, this festival is one of the most awaited events by the people of Lampung. The festival presents various traditional dances, including the Tupura Sekura Mask and Tupping Traditional Dance.
Other performances in the cultural carnivals are Tapis textile heritage exhibitions and a parade of traditional clothing from the two big ethnic groups of Lampung (photo: @indonesiakaya).
Tourist Attractions in Lampung