Home / Batik Regions – Eastern Indonesia – Papua
Facts of the region
Discover Batik in Papua
One of Batik workshops in Jayapura, Papua (Photo: Yohanna/Cepos)

The Batik motif variance in Papua (Photo: Rahmah Dewi/Kompasiana)

Fumeripits, the traditional musical instrument of Asmat tribe, as one of Batik motif inspirations in Papua (Photo: Wikipedia)
The Canvas of Papua’s Nature
Natural potential along with the richness of Papuan culture ceaselessly capture every heart. This opportunity can be used as a chance to wrap a whole “Papua” package in a nice gift of Papua batik. Papua batik is an attempt to portray the varieties of Papuan cultures, as well as its local wisdoms and tribal symbols.
Socio Cultural Values of Batik in Papua
The motifs of Papua batik tend to represent its natural landscape. Several motifs such as Paradise bird motif, Asmat motif (the symbol of the wooden statue from Asmat tribe), or Tifa motif (traditional musical instrument from Papua) dominate the motifs of Papua batik. While the Paradise motif and Asmat motif is the typical Batik motif representing Papuan identity, Tifa Honai motif refers to a particular philosophical meaning. This motif means a home that is filled by tons of happiness.
Batik History in Papua
Papua batik was first developed in 1985 thanks to the financial aid from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for developing the Eastern Indonesian culture. However, the Papuan society do not have any prior knowledge on batik crafting as the Javanese did, but, at present, Papuan batik gallery starts to grow along with the increasing number of local batik artisans.
Batik Motifs in Papua
Batik Villages in Papua
local batik workshop
Batik villages are the region where the Batik producers mostly reside. You could buy the Batik textiles from the artisans and participate in the making process of Batik on the site.
Visual Journey
in 1 Minute
Batik Production in Papua
Noken Production in Papua
The Nature of Untouched Beauty
The Sentani Lake (photo: Aneka Wisata)
About Papua Province
Papua is a province located in the eastern part of Indonesia and borders the state of Papua New Guinea. The province was formerly known as Irian Jaya, a name that remained in official use until 2002. The name of the province was changed to Papua according to Law No 21/2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua. Together with Indonesian Batik, Papua’s Noken multi-functioned knotted bag crafting tradition has also been inscribed in the list of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2012.

Facts about Papua
Papua Province has an area of 420,540 km with a population of 2,833,381 people. Papua Province is a province with a significant number of young population, which represents 38 percent of the total Papua inhabitants. Geographically, Papua Province is bordered by the Pacific Ocean (North), Arafura Sea (South), West Papua Province (West) and Papua New Guinea (East). About 83% of the population adheres to Christianity.
One of the famous iconic natural sites in Papua is Jaya Wijaya Mountain (4,884 masl), located in Yahukimo Regency, Papua. It is the highest mountain in Indonesia that has the eternal snow on its peak. The mountain stands enormously on the Oceanic region (Photo: Pesona Indo).

Highlights on Culture
Based on the National Statistics Agency data of the Republic of Indonesia, Papua Province has 255 indigenous tribes. Some of the tribes in Papua like Ansus, Amungme, Asmat, and Ayamaru inhabit the area of Sorong; Bauzi, Biak, Dani, and Empur tribes inhabit the area of Kebar; and Amberbaken, Hatam tribes inhabit the Ransiki and Oransbari areas; whereas Iha, Komoro, and Mee tribes inhabit the mountainous area of Paniai; Meyakh tribe dwells in Manokwari; Moskona lives in the area of Merderi; Sentani tribe inhabits around Lake Sentani; Souk tribe resides in the Anggi and Manyambouw areas; and other tribes such as Waropen, Wamesa, Muyu, Tobati, Enggros, Korowai, and Fuyu also live within the area of the province.
Another intangible cultural heritage preserved by the local community is the Sentani Traditional Dance. This traditional dance is performed during the Sentani Lake Festival and other local ceremonies (photo: Kokada/industry.co.id).
Tourist Attractions in Papua