Personal Characters

All Batik motifs containing the meanings about characters, motivation, and self-development, 

Batik Villages in Central Sulawesi

    Home / Batik Regions - Central Indonesia - Sulawesi Island - Central Sulawesi / Batik Villages in Central Sulawesi Batik Villages in Central Sulawesisupport the local workshop Brief Story: The name Bomba itself comes from the Kaili language which, when interpreted...

Batik villages in Bangka Belitung

    Home / Batik Regions - Western Indonesia - Southern Sumatra - Bangka Belitung / Batik Villages in Bangka Belitung Batik Village in Bangka Belitungsupport the local workshop Brief Story: Destiani batik gallery provides a variety of typical Bangka Belitung batik,...

Ciletuh Geopark

Ciletuh Geopark

If you want to enjoy one of the wonders of natural beauty in the world

UNESCO Global Geoparks

    Home / UNESCO Sites - UNESCO Global Geoparks and Biospheres UNESCO Global Geoparks and Biospheres World's Outstanding Natural BiodiversityDiscover UNESCO Global Geoparks across Indonesian Archipelago  When Living Heritage Meets Nature

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple

The Borobudur Temple is the biggest Buddhist temple In the world and is inscribed as