The North Sumatra Province (Indonesian: Sumatra Utara) is located on the island of Sumatra with a total area of 7,981.23 km². Medan is the capital city of this province. The total population is 14.26 million based on 2017 survey. This area has a multicultural community structure consisting of the Muslim community ( 63.91%), Protestant Christian community (27.86%), Catholic (5.41%), and the Buddhist population (2.43%). The composition of the community in the North Sumatra region consists of Malays, Karo Bataks, Simalungun, Fak-Fak / Dairi, Toba Bataks, Mandailing, Coastal, and Nias.
North Sumatra has very strong ancestral culture and traditions. Some cultural symbols are seen in traditional house ornaments and also in traditional textiles in North Sumatra. The meaning of these motives is related to customary law and morals embedded in local communities.
The three colors (Red, Black, and White) are called Sitiga Bolit. According to ancient Batak religious beliefs, these colors signify the antidote of evil forces, i.e:
• White as a symbol of purity, truth, honesty. It is a symbol of the cosmology of Banua Ginjang (the upper world)
• Red as a symbol of strength and courage. It represents the symbol of Banua Tonga (the middle world).
• Black as a symbol of confidentiality, authority, and leadership. It also represents the symbol of Banua Toru (the underworld)